Future of the Internet | WEB 3.0 Explained

Today I am going to explain the future of the Internet, Web 3.0 explained. And before we understand what web 3.0 is let’s understand the history of the internet or web 1.0 and 2.0

History of the Internet

From 1991 to 2004, we saw the 1st generation of the internet, web 1.0 The internet we see today is quite different from the internet back then. today, sharing photos, videos on the internet is normal but this would not have been possible back then, in an easy way internet was only a newspaper. you could see the static page on your screen, where you could only read text. basically, the interaction was zero. Internet was a one-way communication tool, we were the consumers and whatever the internet threw at us we would collect and consume it.

Web 2.0 definition

Before we talk about web 3.0 explained, let’s talk about web 2.0 something happened in 2004 that changed our lives. users were not only consumers anymore. we ourselves started giving these websites content. just think about it, does YouTube itself make and upload videos, or how many tweets does Twitter post on its account? obviously no and nothing, but we make videos and tweets. it means out of all the content there on the internet 80-90% content is produced by the users, not by the companies.

The best thing about today internet is we don’t need to post a letter to the post office for a message to be read by the postman but this is what the internet companies do today, they read our data and use that data to show us ads and sell products and there is no other choice because if we want to do anything on social media, we will need a postman. the biggest problem of today’s internet/web 2.0 is the lack of privacy and total control with companies. but web 3.0 is trying to solve this problem with blockchain. you will now be the owner of your content.

Web 3.0 explained : Can be the future of internet

So talking about web 3.0 explained, we need to know about pros and cons with web 3.0 as well. There are plenty of obstacles in the way to reaching this simple result which is web3.0 is trying to solve.

  • Identity: one of the main obstacles is our Identity. if we talk about the current situation of the internet, Google knows our identity and it knows what we are doing like how many times we go out in a week and how many times we purchase online. so if we search anything on google, for example, if I search ‘best Host for website’ Google gets a soft signal to show me more host providers as the advertisement and for this, google charges money from those brands. so google use me as the product to earn. But web 3.0 gives you an entirely new identity to avoid using as the product to those companies.
  • Censorship: The second obstacle is Censorship. No matter how much all social media platforms lecture about the importance of freedom of speech but only a few people actually control what to do on the platform and what does not. For example, Twitter suspended Donald Trump’s account and a few people on Twitter decided that we do not want trump on this platform and the ex-president of the united states was gone from the social media platform.

Should Twitter or any other social media platform have so much control and power in their hands? what do you think let me know in the comments that they decide who is right and who is wrong? how will the platform know what is right or wrong, what is offensive, and what isn’t?

Rules in DAOs(data access object) are cleared through smart contracts so then, there won’t be any one human deciding but a code that will decide what content will remain and what content won’t remain. maybe the code will stop offensive content before it is even uploaded.

  • Ownership: The 3rd obstacle is Ownership. suppose I upload a photo on social media but still I don’t own that photo. that photo is now owned by the platform, whatever the platform wants to do with that photo it can do. so the question is what is really in my control? that’s actually what web 3.0 explained is trying to do. web 3.0 gives you the control that means no middleman. who can watch your content, how much money to charge for your content you decide all these things. these things seem quite futuristic and quite impossible for now.

Is Web 3.0 really a scam?

Well, before we can get the conclusion about web 3.0 explained Some people call web 3.0 a revolution and some people consider it to be a scam. because too much privacy can also give rise to crime, the police can catch and track trolls and thieves today. But when things are completely private anonymous what happens then? cybercrime is bound to increase so who takes responsibility for scams in web 3.0? Web 3.0 is an idea it is not easy to call right or wrong today. the more freedom people get the more this freedom will be abused. So what do you think about web 3.0 explained? Let me know in the comment.

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